Our Mission

Everyone Has A Soul, It Is The Most Valuable Possession
we will ever own. Our souls are unique only to ourselves. They have no color; neither are they rich nor poor.
Our soul is the report card of our life, marked with how well we’ve lived our lives. The most important rule to follow is to never damage or destroy another SOUL.
We are not perfect.
On this blog and in my book you will learn that I am not perfect.
In the coming months we will introduce one by one the chapters in my coming book which basically are the commandments of the 21st century. The original 10 are 3000 years old which do not describe the detail needed to teach RESPONSIBILITY that seems to translate to a 4 letter word. Here in our discussions we will set a standard to agree to disagree. Visiting my website and reading my blogs could personally help you or someone around you as you share your new knowledge.
Another Topic I Will Be Discussing Regularly Is Called Negative Euphoria.
Anytime someone through irresponsibility or a bad decision gains physically, monetarily or sexually would be called negative euphoria. This is a novel concept that I have created and wish for all of you to comment on.
www.oursoulsdirection.com has been created for the betterment of all Souls. This website is nondenominational. Whether you are an Atheist or Christian, Jewish or Muslim, Buddhist or Agnostic, everyone is welcome.
We all have a soul to strive for and a responsibility to protect all other souls from harm.
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