Purpose of Life Books
Manifesto Against Our Bad Behavior
The penchant for causing mischief and mayhem almost seems to be an integral part of human nature. If we look at the world for what it is, it is obvious that we as a species are single handedly responsible for bringing the world to the verge of an ecological catastrophe, unrepentant for the damage that we cause in our daily lives to ourselves, those around us and our surrounding environment.
Mistakes are forgivable, but refusal to repent for mistakes either indicates a lack of self awareness that borders on ignorance or a willing refusal to take responsibility for the damage you have inflicted. This is possibly the greatest sin of all.
The purpose of your life was not to live an unconcerned, apathetic and a selfish life, it was to be of service to humanity and to preserve what are the most cherished things about existence. It was not God’s purpose for your life to be an onlooker on this planet and your fellow human; His purpose was for you to protect them.

If You ever Sit Down For a Second And Think Deeply
About all the reasons for why you act in the ways that you act, you will realize that most human actions are grounded in self interest. You will also further realize that most actions are carried out by choice and you will feel the sense of responsibility that accompanies the realization of your free will.
Constructed rationalizations for how you act, contextualizing your choices and actions as the “best possible actions given the circumstances” is the result of a willful ignorance in the face of the consequence of your actions. It is almost mind boggling how far people would go to save themselves.
If there is one thing that everyone needs to understand it is this; in the process of lying to the rest of the world, if you begin to believe your own lies; congratulations you’ve just played yourself.
It is cowardice in the face of truth and this cowardice is what convinces you that your sins are somehow justified. The truth does not package itself for you; it is harsh, it is bitter and sometimes it needs to be acknowledged. Those of you reading this and are looking to discover your purpose, the truth is: Humanity has paved the way to its destruction and is choosing to blind itself to the horrendous possibilities created by its morally abhorrent actions.
In this day and age, moral values and responsibilities have been perverted by the pursuit of the misperceived goals. Being purpose driven no longer means to aligning yourself to God’s will, the pursuit of happiness no longer implies finding happiness in the happiness of others. It has instead been replaced with an egoistic pursuit of validation and material gain. The violence that we witness around us, the glorification of pursuing material gain, and the vainglorious exhibition of what one owns serve as justifications for what is purely an abuse of influence and power.
It almost seems as if this belief in the superiority of the self over the other and a need to overpower has acquired a life of its own. There is no one individual that carries it, everything around us is geared towards inducing a sense of shame and a lack of self worth that compels us to anger, vanity and greed. There exists an echo chamber that offers validation to these ideas about the pursuit of power, the irrelevance of your moral responsibility in this pursuit and a willful ignorance of the meaninglessness of it all.
Because we are the ones who made these choices, taking pride in our free will, it is us who are truly responsible for these actions. God is not the only one we have to repent to for this abuse of power; it is also those we have hurt.
Books are a recreation of life. They offer us a portal to travel to another place where we can experience the best of life as we give in to the willing suspension of disbelief. If books are about life, then the best books are about the purpose in life. And while books are your best friends, the books that help you find yourself are better friends. It’s these books that will help you embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-actualization. Not only will you come out of this experience a better-read person, you’ll also be a better person altogether.
The best books on life are those that have you confront reality for what it is; if you are looking to find meaning and through it find yourself; read this life changing book and find your life’s purpose to live a meaningful, purposeful life.
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